Monday, December 14, 2009

Interview With A Father

Katie Gibbons' interview over the recession with her father, Eddie Gibbons.

Q: Is the recession still going on to you?
A:Yes, I think it is. We're still having money troubles.

Q:How has the recession affected you personally?
A:The recession has caused many people at my job to get laid off, so I have to com in everyday of the week to cover shifts and get everything done.

Q:How long do you work?
A: Week days I work from 8-5 and on weekends I usually go in for 2 or 3 hours throughout anytime during the day.

Q:Where do you work?
A: AK Steel

Q:Do you enjoy your job?
A: Lets just say it gets me the money I need to take care of my family, but I do enjoy the people I work with.

Q: Has the recession affected any of your friends?
A: Yes, lots of my good friends at work have gotten laid off and are now looking for jobs.

Q: Has the recession affected your personal life?
A: Yes.

Q: How?
A: I can't go out with my family as much as I would like and it's especially difficult during the holidays to get everyone something for Christmas.

Q: Is anyone else related to you struggling a lot through this recession?
A: Yes, my sister isn't employed right now and it's hard to see her like that because I can't do anything to help.

Q: Do you think that this recession will be over anytime soon?
A: I think if everything with the economy stays steady and people start becoming employed that it will eventually be over, but not quite yet.

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